Go, Ben, Go: Why I Want Ben Carson To Win the Republican Nomination
[Click To Enlarge] My husband observed the other day that it looks like Ben Carson is always stoned when he speaks. That made me laugh because it’s true. Ben’s soft, measured delivery is perfectly consistent with having just had a couple of deep tokes from a banger joint, and then struggling for coherence as he expresses deep thoughts. It would also explain some of those messy musings. Witness his take on the total absence of homeless people: “Nobody is starving on the streets. We’ve always taken care of them. We take care of our own; we always have. It is not the government’s responsibility.” You see? In Ben’s world there are no starving people, so government shouldn’t create a problem where, by golly, none exists. Or his take on homosexuality, which he says must be “chosen behavior” since men go into prison straight but come out gay. And on gay marriage, which he conflates with bestiality...