The Only Course I Ever Flunked
Microbes I was always a good student, but until law school (where my splendid academic performance resulted from an alphabetical accident, as described in "How I Became a Law Professor," see "Related Posts" below), I never worked hard at making good grades. Mostly I succeeded as a student at all levels because I was genuinely interested in the courses, and/or was good at studying and taking exams. I didn't do well in courses like physical education, while I made "B" sorts of grades in science or math courses, where I cared less about the subject matter. In college at the University of Maryland my grade point average was an almost perfect 3.0. But there was one major blot on my record that pulled it down to that level: the course in microbiology. I flunked it. And in addition to it being the only course I've ever flunked, I damn near flunked it twice . This was very hard to explain to my father, Robert Whaley, who was paying a lot...