My Play “The Turkey Men” Is a Hit!

Well, it’s happened! “The Turkey Men” has opened and the reviews are in. The biggest one is from the Columbus Dispatch, and it is reprinted below. Other online reviews are similar. On Facebook playwright Jonathan Hole said: Last night, the first preview of The Turkey Men by Douglas Whaley at Evolution Theatre Company- it is fantastic in every sense of the word- when I first heard the premise I thought "how is that going to work?" and last night learned the answer- beautifully. I love stories that connect the past and present and Douglas has written a unique one that made the audience last night cheer. Director David David Allen Vargo and a terrific cast, Loretta Beth Cannon , Fia Friend, James Harper , Jonathan Putnam , and Ross Shirley are a playwright's dream. Leaving last night I said hello to someone and without missing a beat they responded "what a great show!" and I whol...