My First Play Will Be Produced Next Year!

I’ve written many legal works (books, articles, student guides, etc.) and two novels (“Imaginary Friend” and “Corbin Milk,” both available on Amazon), and when I was much younger I made stabs at writing plays and musicals, none of which I showed to anyone. But the first real play I’ve written with the idea of actually getting it performed has just been accepted for a production next year here in Columbus, Ohio. The play is called “The Turkey Men,” and it has its origin in a true story from the Civil War. In 2011 I read in the Columbus Dispatch a column by John Switzer. He's the newspaper's retired Weather Columnist, and he occasionally writes folksy pieces about nature or local events in central Ohio. I've enjoyed his musings for years, and was very interested when on May 22 of that year he wrote a Memorial Day piece about two graves in Pleasant Cemetery in Madison County. One is that of a Confederate soldier named Frank Chick ...