How To Take a Law School Exam
. A. GETTING STARTED 1. Everyone gives you different advice. Take what sounds right to you and ignore the rest. 2. The best way to do well on exams is all too obvious: study ! Even if you’ve slacked off until now on this requirement, it's still not too late to put in the time. Okay, studying is hard work, but whoever said you only get to do easy things in life? This is your chosen profession—right?—so it deserves the massive effort necessary to acquire the knowledge to do your job competently. 3. Clear up things you still don't understand that are necessary for the exam. What are the foggy parts of your notes? The difficult issues for you in this course? If you can’t figure them out yourself, get help. Ask your fellow students, consult other texts or student outlines, contact the professor. But don’t leave major gaps in your knowledge unfilled. 4. ...